Tag Archives: frostbite round

Wet and Windy Annual Frostbite 2022

On Saturday 8th January 2022 we held our annual Frostbite shoot. It was probably the worst day we could have picked weather wise. The wind and rain was in our faces and the paper scoresheets soon turned to paper mache – even our biro’s stopped working.

I think all our archery gear required a good evening of drying out before shooting at club the next day. Here are the results:




Annual Frostbite 2019

On Saturday 5th January 16 of us headed out onto the field to shoot our annual Frostbite. The day before was icy but on this day it was about 5 degrees, so not actually that cold.

We began by all setting up our bows and then getting the targets outs and then of course we stopped for hot drinks and cakes before we began shooting.

After a couple of ends Andreas lost his contact lens and we decided to move the targets to stop anyone stepping over the contact lens area whilst it was searched for. After 7 ends (6 with one end of sighters) and a lot of searching for the contact lens the shooting was over. It was really nice to be outside shooting again, and it all gave us a feeling of what to expect when we all go outside again in April. Unfortunately, I don’t think the contact lens was ever found.

Frostbite 2019 Results

Frostbite Scores 2019

Frostbite Shoot 2019

Annual Frostbite 2019

Ely Archers First Frostbite a Hit!


Thanks to everyone who shot in our first Frostbite round today. 13 people shot today, more than expected.

Just to say there was no frost today, although a bit misty but for the record the temperature was about 8 degrees.

We shot sighters and 3 ends and then stopped for hot drinks all provided by Steve on his camping stove.

The temperature was not a problem, but shooting 6 arrows again instead of 3 certainly did tire us out quicker.

All scores today:

Daniel Coe 291 Gentlemen Recurve
Mike Williamson 274 Gentlemen Recurve
Wojtek Pawlicki 252 Gentlemen Recurve
Maggie Johnson 237 Ladies Barebow
Malcolm Basing 227 Gentlemen Barebow
Luksz Weigt 218 Gentlemen Recurve
Danielle McLoughlin 206 Ladies Recurve
Paul Coghlan 191 Gentlemen Recurve
Rob Edson 171 Gentlemen Barebow
Steven Johnson 139 Gentlemen Recurve
Ian Forrester 105 Gentlemen Recurve
Neil Sutton 62 Gentlemen Longbow