Friday Night Bray League
Friday Night Bray League Results
This is completely optional on a Friday night. The reason the Bray round has been selected is because it is quite a short round (30 arrows) and probably the only round we can fit in on a Friday night.
Please make it known to the field captain upon your (on-time) Friday night arrival that you wish to shoot the Bray round, as target faces may require changing and so we know how many people want to shoot the Bray round.
- 36 arrows on a 40cm target face at 20 yards with 10 zone scoring.
- Compounds will shoot 3 spot targets, all other bow types single face targets.
- 2 ends of sighters (6 arrows in total). 3 arrows per end.
- You must shoot the Bray round at the beginning of the Friday night session, you are then free to carry on archery practice after completing the round.
- You must have an indoor handicap.
- Only 1 Bray round can be shot per Friday night session.
- Do not score your own arrows. Get your scorer to sign your scoresheet.
- The field captain for the evening will also be your Bray league judge for the evening. Their decision is final.
- You must complete at least 5 rounds by the end of the season (end of March).
- You can shoot and submit as many round scores as you want, but your Top 5 scores will make up the league results and go towards your end of season total.
- The winner will be the archer with the best handicapped adjusted total score over your 5 best rounds.
- The winner will receive a trophy to keep for 12 months with their name and score also being placed on the website results page.
I don’t have an indoor handicap. If you do not have an indoor handicap (from a previous indoor season) then to get one you need 3 indoor scores. So you could either shoot 3 scoring rounds on a Sunday morning before you start the Bray league or shoot 3 Bray rounds on a Friday night then begin your Bray league scoring on your 4th round, or a mixture of both. As long as you have 3 scores before you begin recording Bray league rounds.
Club Records and Indoor Classifications
All Bray round results will be used for club records and for obtaining indoor classification badges. So if you don’t come on a Sunday and still want an indoor handicap and indoor classification badges you can now obtain these on a Friday night. If you don’t want to be part of the league but still want to shoot a Bray round for a handicap and badges that is also fine.
Score sheets and Clipboards
There are 2 clipboards and Bray score sheets in a yellow folder. The yellow folder will be stored in the large black zipped portfolio case that contains our new target faces.
40cm Bray target faces are also in the black portfolio case.
Please remember to complete all boxes on the score sheet and get them signed. Hand them in to the records officer or leave them in the yellow folder.