Archery Booking System

Archery Booking Form

Archery Booking System

Please complete all fields below, in order.

How many people?
Email Reminder?

* these are distances not available as all targets are in use.

How many people? We allow a maximum of 4 people per boss to shoot in 2 details.

If you are making a booking just for yourself, please leave this set to 1.

Email Reminder: If checked you will receive an email reminder on the day of the session. It may also contain details of who is also shooting on your target.

Duplicate booking errors: To try and stop people booking the same session more than once, the form checks for duplicate names in the same session. Please make sure you enter your full name when booking.

Booking means you agree to adhere to our Ely Archers Outdoor Archery Guidelines and Ely Archers Indoor Archery Guidelines (Sept 2021)